
互联网 2023-03-29 19:13:04





1.audience n. 听众

2.author n. 作者;作家

3.character n. 人物;角色

4.concert n. 音乐会

5.drawing n. 图画

6.fame n. 名声

7.library n. 图书馆;图书室

8.magazine n. 杂志

9.means n. 手段;方法

10.pioneer n. 先锋;开拓者

11.popular adj. 流行的;受欢迎的

12.record n. 记录;唱片

13.reflect v. 反映;表现

14.stage n. 舞台

15.works n. 著作;作品

16.award vt. 授予

17.literature n. 文学


1.actor n. 男演员

actress n. 女演员

2.appreciate vt. 鉴赏;感激;意识到

appreciation n. 欣赏;鉴定;感激

3.art n. [U] 艺术;美术

pl. 文科(如语言、历史、文学)

artist n. [C] 艺术家;画家

4.compose vt. 作曲;创作

composer n. 作曲家

5.conduct vt. 指挥(乐队)

conductor n. (乐队)指挥

6.describe vt. 描写;叙述

description n. 描述;描写

7.music n. 音乐;乐曲

musical adj. 音乐的;爱好音乐的

n. 音乐剧

musician n. 音乐家

8.novel n. 小说;长篇故事

novelist n. 小说家

9.perform v. 表演;履行;执行

performance n. 演出;表演;执行

performer n. 表演者;执行者

10.poem n. 诗

poet n. 诗人

poetry n. 诗歌


1.wisdom n. 智慧

2.opera n. 歌剧

3.essay n. 散文;文章;随笔

4.album n. 专辑

5.biography n. 传记

6.masterpiece n. 杰作

7.original adj. 原创的

n. 原作

8.playwright n. 剧作家

9.plot n. 情节

10.particular adj. 特殊的;个别的

11.soul n. 灵魂;心灵

12.release vt. 发行;发布

13.remark n. & v. 谈论;评论

14.reputation n. 名声;名誉

15.resemble v. 相似

16.ridiculous adj. 荒唐的

17.sculpture n. 雕塑;雕刻

18.studio n. 工作室;演播室

19.subscribe v. 订阅;订购(报刊等)

20.symphony n. 交响乐;交响曲;交响乐团

21.unique adj. 独特的


1.abandon oneself to 沉迷于……

2.arouse one's enthusiasm for 激发某人对……的热情

3.give sb. a new start 给某人一个新的开始

4.make comments on ... 对……评论

5.pass down from generation to generation


6.relax one's mood 放松心情

7.appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力

8.win the Nobel Prize in literature 获得诺贝尔文学奖

9.express feelings/emotions 表达感情 

10.science fiction 科幻小说


1.[2020·全国卷Ⅱ满分作文]I'm writing to ask for your guidance on a short play, which is adapted from one of our texts.我写信是想请你就改编自我们其中一篇课文的一个短剧给予指导。

2.[2019·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达]I'm glad to tell you that a Chinese classical music concert will be held in the music hall of our school on November 8th.我很高兴地告诉你,11月8日我们学校的音乐厅将举行一场中国古典音乐会。

3.[2019·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达]According to the concert poster, many music masterpieces will be played by a famous band.从音乐会海报得知,一支著名的乐队将演奏许多音乐杰作。

4.[2017·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达]To better appreciate the Tang poems, it's necessary for you to read some books related to the history of the Tang Dynasty before class.为更好地欣赏唐诗,你有必要在课前阅读与唐朝历史有关的书籍。


灵活利用晨背词汇并参考满分好句, 补全下列各句。


Additionally, you consulted your Chinese teacher, ________________________ and patiently made improvements.


Only by reading classic books widely ______________________________________________.


In the course, __________________________________ we will learn how to make, smell and drink tea.


As we all know, __________________________________ because it can enrich our life.


Peking Opera, a perfect example of Chinese culture, ______________________.

1.took his professional advice 

2.can we gain more knowledge and broaden our horizons 

3.apart from the background knowledge of Chinese tea 

4.reading classic books is of great benefit 

5.has a long history