
互联网 2023-03-26 15:31:01



Yashe Studio



From ancient times to the present, architecture can reflect the distinctive style and characteristics of each era. As the last peak in the history of architecture in China, the Ming and Qing Dynasties also had an unusual artistic aesthetic, and left us a lot of directly imitated and borrowed architectural art.


Buildings have always been an important part of people's lives. In addition to food, clothing and travel, the most important thing is to live at home. Buildings bear such responsibilities.


From the earliest hiding place to shelter people from wind and rain, architecture gradually evolved into the pursuit of art. People's requirements for architecture have gradually changed from stability and firmness to what kind of ornamental value and artistic influence architecture can bring to themselves.


The architecture reflects the characteristics of the times and the different aesthetic styles of different people. The architecture of the Ming Dynasty combined the use value with the ornamental value, reflecting the unique aesthetic style of the people of the Ming Dynasty, as well as the thought and culture behind their architectural design.


However, due to the influence of geographical location, climate conditions and local customs, the buildings are often different, showing different styles.


The architecture of the Ming Dynasty was also different due to the characteristics of political system, economic development, ideology and culture, which reflected the modernity of architecture in the political environment of the Ming Dynasty.




The buildings of the Ming Dynasty were not built according to people's preferences, but were built to adapt to the social background and policies at that time. After Zhu Yuanzhang seized power and established the Ming Dynasty.


In order to maintain the rule over the huge territory, detailed regulations have been made on all aspects of society, and strict regulations have been formulated on architecture. It is required that people must build houses and residences in accordance with regulations and not violate policy requirements.


People of different status and different classes have different specifications for building houses, which are different from the choice of color, decoration and building materials. The ruler's action is to let the people have a clear understanding of their identity.



At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the architectural hierarchy was just established, and the architecture at that time also showed the characteristics of simplicity and simplicity. In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, due to the extravagant social atmosphere, the architectural style gradually lost its limitations and presented a magnificent and gorgeous feeling.


Even ordinary people can build magnificent buildings as long as they have enough money. Therefore, the buildings in the middle and late Ming Dynasty gradually lost the role of piding the rank of the common people. Instead, they advocated extravagance and could be repaired according to their own preferences.



In ancient times, people always paid attention to geomantic omen when building houses. They would ask a geomantic expert to observe it before deciding whether to build houses here. The architecture of the Ming Dynasty is inseparable from geomantic omen.


In addition, many people believe that feng shui is related to the imperial examination. The quality of feng shui can even directly affect the success of the imperial examination. So people in the Ming Dynasty spent a lot of money to repair their houses after they saw Feng Shui, in order to make life easier.




In addition to paying attention to the exterior of the building, people in the Ming Dynasty exhausted their mind on the interior decoration of the building. The handicraft industry in the Ming Dynasty was relatively developed and the commerce was developed, so they had a wide range of furniture and decorations to choose from, and even many western lamps and lanterns appeared.


In addition, people in the Ming Dynasty also kept pets to increase the interest of life, not only to pass the time to relieve their feelings, but also to let animals play games. No matter what status and status of people, raising animals has become a relatively common thing.



The styles of social architecture in the Ming Dynasty are quite different, but they all reflect the people's love and interest in life, and also contain three characteristics of the architecture in the Ming Dynasty.


The first is artistry. The architecture of the Ming Dynasty followed the aesthetics of the Tang and Song Dynasties, combined with the crafts of all parts of the country, and presented different aesthetics.


It also shows that different people in the Ming Dynasty had different tastes in architecture. People's pursuit of art has never stopped, so it changed from the simple and boring in the early Ming Dynasty to the magnificent and colorful later, making the architecture of the Ming Dynasty the representative of Chinese historical architecture.


Secondly, it is ethical. The Ming Dynasty society has strong constraints, emphasizing the importance of Confucianism, so it has made clear provisions on the color of buildings and the number of houses.


The houses built by the people according to the regulations in the early Ming Dynasty also reflected the different architectural styles influenced by politics, and the ethical hierarchy made differences for architectural styles.


Then there is the wisdom. The architecture of the Ming Dynasty reflects the people's view of nature. The style setting and furniture selection also reveal the cultural heritage. Together with philosophy, it reflects the people's desire to live in harmony with society and nature. The animals and flowers carved on the buildings also show people's awe of nature.


The rulers of the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to ethics. At the beginning, they formulated a strict system to restrict people's behavior, and required buildings to be classified according to their grades. In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, with the gradual development of society, people advocated luxurious life...


People began to build houses according to their own preferences and pursuits, which reflected the change of people's ideas in the Ming Dynasty. The architecture also reflects the real face of the Ming society, in which each brick and tile can reflect the popular artistic style and the culture that people believe in.


When we understand the history behind architecture, we will be more respectful of traditional culture and carry forward our excellent traditional culture.