
互联网 2023-03-09 19:13:51




Tangyue Memorial archway Group

一个接一个的山,有名无名的、高的低的,黄山齐云山两大山脉,连为一大片。山与山的皱褶里,水流收放着碧绿碧绿的色彩。五谷尖、六谷尖、率水、横江、新安江,悬起来叠下去,一起响亮着奔向远方。白墙黑瓦 , 鸡鸣狗吠,依着山傍着水。黑白徽州成了永远的经典。

黟县有了一块又一块的盆地 , 刚好安置谷物、牛马和蚕桑。西递、宏村就是盆地里建起的古村落。悠悠街巷,阡陌郊野,那些徽派建筑在岁月中带着沧桑感,成了诗与画。


Tan’gan Garden in Tangmo village, Shexian County

In southern Anhui province, the clear water flows with a green color between mountains. With the mountains and water, the black and white Hui-style architecture is a timeless classic. Lanes and country roads, fields in the countryside, together with the Hui-style buildings, become poetry and paintings, with a sense of vicissitudes of life.


Shouzhuo Garden in Yi County, Anhui






Octagonal Memorial Archway in Shexian County

In Xidi, there stands Ruiyu House built in the Xianfeng years of Qing Dynasty. There is a ingot-shaped brick carving on the door cover, engraved with “Fugui”(meaning wealth in Chinese). There is a model of “Shang” (meaning business in Chinese) on side corridors, showing its prominent business status.

In the Jing’ai hall, there is a big Chinese character “Xiao” (meaning filial piety), which is written by Zhu Xi, a master of neo-Confucianism in the Southern Song dynasty. It is thought-provoking in this magnificent, solemn and simple environment.

There is a government officer’s house facing the street. It hung out a small yet exquisite pavilion with curling eaves, which became a good place to throw the embroidered ball, vividly showing the ancient folk activity: in the old times, a woman would throw the ball from a high place to the audience and the one who got the ball would be her husband.

Chengzhi Hall in Hongcun has over 60 rooms with different sizes. There is also a small fishpond in the corner, with railings. You can sit on the armchairs in the pavilion and watch the red carp swimming, and see how the ancient wealthy merchants enjoyed themselves in the past.


Baolun Pavilion in Chengkan





Degong Hall in Zhaji


Yingpo Manor in Kongling Scenic Spot, Jixi County

Many buildings in Huizhou are related with the emperor. Baolun Pavilion in Chengkan is the bedroom for Temple Luo Dongshu, is for keeping the imperial treasures. The eight-feet stone memorial archway of Xu Guo and the memorial archway group in Tangyue are also the representative of infinite royal graciousness.

The Hu clan ancestral hall in Jixi County is a Ming dynasty building, with the reputation of being the Woodcarving Art Museum and the National Art Palace. The main gate of the public hall of Zha Jide is an independent archway itself.

The old bridges, the old lanes and streets, the ancient pavilions, and the ancient pagodas… in all these lie the rhyme and charm of Huizhou.





图片:桂迎生 束从余 方托马斯 沈光洪 胡棣华 唐祖怀



校对:刘 军

