
互联网 2023-03-09 09:21:57






1. 欢迎他到你家度过本周末。

2. 你家周末打算进行的活动:

(1)用中国毛笔(Chinese brush)写字;


3. 告诉他在中国如何成为一名懂礼仪的人。


1. 不得使用真实姓名和学校名。

2. 可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯。

3. 字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理清晰。

4. 至少80词。

Dear Peter,

I’m Li Ping. I hear you’d like to experience some more Chinese cultures before going back.

Best wishes!


Li Ping




Dear Peter,

I’m Li Ping. I hear you’d like to experience some more Chinese cultures before going back. Therefore, I am writing this letter to invite you in and spend the weekend with our family. I bet you would be interested in the activities that we have arranged for you. First, we will write some Chinese characters with traditional Chinese brushes. Different from pens, Chinese brushes are soft and this will be a new experience to you. Then, we will make dumplings together, because dumplings are considered as a typical Chinese cuisine.

As a foreigner, you must have noticed the big differences between your culture and Chinese culture. Thus, having some knowledge of Chinese social manners, especially table manners, is of vital importance. First, we do not call the names of the elderly directly. Instead, we always put “uncle”, “aunt” or other addresses before their names. This is a way to show our respect for them. Second, when we use chopsticks, we do not insert them into the rice, because this is impolite. More than often, we place them flat on the bowl.

That is all I want to say to you in this letter. I can’t wait to see you. Look forward to your reply.

Best wishes!


Li Ping



1. 一定要注意连贯性。为了连贯性,我们甚至自己要添加进来一部分细节,这样行文才能更加流畅。

2. 关于“懂礼仪”这个其实很不好写。简单点的manners,难点的etiquette其实都不在同学们的掌握范围内。大多数同学会想到polite,但这个表达还不准确。就算同学们真的想到了manners,很可能还会遇到不知道说啥,更不知道怎么扩展。



Eating Etiquette in China

1. Don't start eating until the host gives a sign to start.

2. When the dishes are served, you need to wait for the elders, leaders, and guests to try the dishes first.

3. Try to choose dishes that are close to you, and don't flip the dishes back and forth. If someone else is serving the food, don't put your hand over that person's hand to pick up food.

4. You should not rotate the Lazy Susan for yourself when someone else on the table is serving himself from the main bowl. It is recommended to wait until he gets a sufficient quantity of the dish.

5. Wait until the dish takes a complete round when you want to have something a second time so that everyone gets his due share.

6. Never fill your plate to the maximum, and always serve yourself with a small quantity. Rotating the Lazy Susan counterclockwise is yet another bad habit that should be avoided.

Etiquette in Using Chopstick

1. Chopsticks should not be inserted into the rice and should be placed flat on the bowl.

2. Don't play with your chopsticks such as using the chopsticks to beating your bowls or wave your chopsticks around in the air.

3. Don't use your chopsticks to flip the food, if you need to do so, try to use a shovel.

4. Pointing at people with your chopsticks is considered to be very impolite. Try to avoid so. If you accidentally do so, you must apologize in time.

5. Try to hold your chopsticks and avoid them falling to the ground.


