
互联网 2023-02-28 14:54:25



He Jiaying was selected as the most influential contemporary artist in the world


He Jiaying, born in Tianjin in 1957, loved painting since childhood. In 1977, he was admitted to the painting department of Tianjin Academy of fine arts to study traditional Chinese painting. After graduating in 1980, he stayed in school to teach. He was a member of the 9th, 10th and 11th CPPCC National Committee; He is currently the vice president of China Artists Association, the vice president of Contemporary Meticulous Painting Association, the doctoral supervisor of China Academy of art and the president of Meticulous Painting Research Institute. He has won the honors of "young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions" of the state, the "literary and artistic workers with both virtue and art" of the China Federation of literary and art circles, and the "four groups" of literary and artistic talents of the Central Propaganda Department. Good at Contemporary Meticulous figure painting creation. Representative works include mountain, the 19th autumn, Mizhi's aunt, sour grapes, soul Mawei, Qiuming, morning dew mulberry, dance rest, Yang Kaihui, etc.

十九秋 110x170cm 绢本设色 1984年

Autumn 19 110x170cm color on silk 1984


When it comes to contemporary Chinese art, we can't bypass the name he Jiaying, which is the consensus of the art circle. Meticulous painting art is the mainstream form of Chinese painting in the early stage, reaching the peak of Chinese painting. From the Tang and Song Dynasties to new China, it has gone through thousands of years of advancement, and he Jiaying is the forerunner of this "ladder of the times". Whether from fine brushwork or freehand brushwork, he Jiaying has important historical significance - he not only has a regressive understanding and summary of the great tradition of Chinese art, but also completed the transformation of Chinese painting from classical form to modern form, and guided the modern evolution of Chinese way with his unique achievements. His figure painting creation has become a typical paradigm and important representative of Chinese meticulous painting.

米脂的婆姨 230x80cm 绢本设色 1985年

Aunt of rice Fat 230x80cm Color on Silk 1985


Through the opposition between the appearance of Chinese and Western painting, he paid attention to the essence of painting, found the common principles and fundamental laws of Chinese and Western painting language, integrated them into a natural state, freely used their strengths, and based on the original language of Chinese painting, launched a creative construction of the Modernity of Chinese painting, which made the traditional meticulous painting glow with new vitality, It has also received extensive international attention. Therefore, he Jiaying's artistic creation is a combination of the subtlety of "fine brushwork" and the sparseness of "ink painting", as well as realism and image, condensing thickness and elegance, presenting a poetic, true and distant feeling - the subtlety can be seen without a hair, and the sparseness of ink is full of interest. He Jiaying is well versed in the unique "poetic language" of Chinese culture. With her talent and keen talent, he has injected deep humanistic feelings into her painting. She has not only abandoned the so-called literati habit of traditional freehand painting, but also transcended the constraints of current "realism".

山地 136x166cm 纸本设色 1983年

清明 127x177cm 绢本设色 1985年

Qingming 127x177cm Silk color 1985

街道主任 112x91cm 绢本设色 1981年

Street Director 112x91cm Colour on Silk 1981

酸葡萄 175x245cm 绢本设色 1988年

Sour grapes 175x245cm Colour on Silk 1988

魂系马嵬(与高云合作) 160x191cm 纸本设色 1989年

Wei of the Spirit (with Gao Yun) 160x191cm color on paper 1989

孤叶 185x104cm 绢本设色 1990年

Solitary leaf 185x104cm Colour on Silk 1990

红苹果 114x80cm 绢本设色 1990年

Red apple 114x80cm Colour on Silk 1990