
互联网 2023-02-26 16:45:56



威尼斯,这座充满历史与艺术气息的城市举办了著名的艺术展——威尼斯双年展,并首次展出名为Ai-Da的机器人作品。这个机器人是独一无二的,因为它可以像人一样将人们的肖像画得栩栩如生。这一作品与人们对机器人的期望完全不同,因此她赋予了AI不同的含义。这个可爱的机器人是艺术新时代的开始吗?人们通常认为艺术源于生活,并高于生活,但始终要为人类服务。因为他们必须表达一些东西并充满情感,可以引起观众的共鸣。只有人类才能创造出真正美丽并且有价值的东西,无论是故事、绘画、雕塑还是其他任何事物。Ai-Da有着一张美丽的脸和深色的头发,但她的手臂看起来像机器人的手。 她的双手似乎一直在提醒人们她终究只是一个机器人。她的动作缓慢,但看到她的人都会说她的眼睛非常漂亮,她的画作也在世界范围内广受赞誉,人们发现这位有着奇怪手臂的美丽女士是未来的典范。然而,当她被宣布参加音乐节时,人们开始质疑这项决定。 这是一件好事吗? 我们应该允许这种情况的发生吗? 艺术不属于技术,我们为什么要欣赏一个机器人的创作?许多文章批评Ai-Da和她的作品,甚至呼吁人们不去参加博览,因为这是在浪费时间。

艺术与技术进步并行发展。 然而,这不仅仅与工作有关。 艺术在如何被感知、交流、享受和营销方面不断变化不断进步。 由于技术的进步,艺术变得更加平易近人。不可否认,艺术与科技的互动产生了许多有趣的新作品和新方法。AI是艺术新事物的开端吗? 虽然专家们试图通过声称但这一发现仍处于早期阶段来控制我们,但很难不为艺术界的这一显着进步留下深刻印象。艺术中的技术,以新的理想、虚拟空间和颠覆信仰的推理为指导,直面我们的观点,这就是创新和技术一直以来的意义所在。 如果我们认识到艺术创作代表了我们的现实,我们如何理解越来越多的年轻现代艺术家的作品基于无形和无关紧要的对象展示?伟大的列奥纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)是最早与科学探究联系在一起的人之一,他是第一个将技术与艺术相结合的人。 是的,蒙娜丽莎是最著名的画作之一,但他也以向人们展示他们拥有的真正能力而闻名:创造。技术提供了杰出的年轻艺术家所希望和寻找的东西:探索未知领域,发现任何完全独特的事物,并打破所谓的常规,让他们能够测试现有的界限。最近技术进步了,人工智能已经成为一种表达艺术的方式。 AI是不是拿走了本该属于人类的事情?如果使用人工智能来完成这项工作,最终结果是否可以被视为艺术? 艺术家对成品的影响有多大限制?

如今,世界各地越来越多的人争相讨论人工智能。 但人们在担心什么呢? 这是技术的进步,还是浪费金钱、时间和资源去做一些无用甚至具有威胁性的事情?在2021年虚拟邓丽君的演唱会上时,大家都惊呆了,许多西方国家的人对此也纷纷表示钦佩。 音乐就是艺术,从来没有界限,在这里人们不会简单地认为这只是一个机器人,而是邓丽君非常写实的形象。根据哈佛的说法,人工智能最先进的国家是中国。从世界范围来看,发表人工智能相关研究最多的是中国高校。AI已被应用于多个领域,并逐渐成为人们生活的一部分。

在疫情期间,科技的发展更加迅猛,许多在线办公的软件应运而生,以 UiPath为例,它由罗马尼亚人创立,总部设在纽约,依托机器人流程自动化(RPA)这一软件技术,可轻松创建、部署、管理软件机器人,模拟人类行为,减轻人们的工作压力。然而,即使我们不谈论艺术,人们也在争论人工智能是否真的是一种进步,或者只是人们看不到所有的缺点?没有一个国家可以说他们 100% 相信人工智能是完美。 无论文化或国籍如何,人们都无法完全信任人工智能。

那么会画画的机器人和中国舞台上的虚拟歌手有什么区别呢? 人们并没有因为这位歌手看起来不像机器人而感到威胁,反而赞叹不已,很大一部分原因是它看起来和人类很像,很真实立体,而 Ai-Da看起来仍然像一个机器人,所以对某些人来说可能很可怕。

因此,如果机器人看起来和人类差别很大,人们会不自觉地感到害怕,反之则不会。从某种层面来看, 艺术其实彰显了人类的部分特征,承载着某种文化,从而进一步传递强烈的信息、希望、悲伤等情感。艺术没有界限,人工智能作为先进科技的代表,或许可以更好地展现艺术的魅力。而机器人是否能具备人类的思想和灵魂?人们害怕机器人是因为怕被它们取代,还是只是一种毫无根据的恐惧,或许用不了几年就会见分晓。 随着中国科技的进步,世界将很快看到人工智能的力量,是非对错留给时间来证明。

The Collision of Art and AI in Venice

Jeff Bezos said that this is only the beginning of artificial intelligence, people still have a lot to explore in the field of technology, and there is still a long way to go.

Venice, a city full of history and art, hosted the famous art exhibition, the Venice Biennale, and exhibited a work made by Ai-Da for the first time. This robot is unique because of its ability to draw portraits of people just like a human being. This work is completely different from what people expect from a robot, so she gives AI a different meaning. Is this cute robot the beginning of a new era in art? People usually think that art is inspired by life but beyond it, but always serves human beings. Because they have to express something and be emotional and resonate with the audience. Only humans can create something truly beautiful and valuable, whether it"s a story, a painting, a sculpture, or anything else. Ai-Da has a beautiful face and dark hair, but her arms look exactly like robot hands. Her hands seem to be a constant reminder that she"s not real after all. Her movements are slow, but everyone who sees her will say that her eyes are bewitching, her paintings are also widely acclaimed around the world, and this beautiful lady with strange arms is found to be a model for the future. However, when it was announced that she will take part in the festival, people began to question this. Is this a good thing? Should we allow this to happen? Art does not belong to technology, why should we appreciate the creation of a robot? Many articles criticized Ai-Da and her work, and even urged people not to go to the expo because it would be a waste of time.

Art develop in parallel with technology.However, it"s not just about work. Art is constantly evolving and changing the way it is perceived, communicated, enjoyed and marketed.Thanks to the progress of technology, art has become more approachable.There is no denying that the interaction between art and technology has produced many interesting new works and mixtures. Is AI the beginning of something new in arts? While experts try to deceive us by claiming that this discovery is still in its early stages, it is hard not to be impressed by this remarkable advance in the world of arts. Technology in arts, guided by new ideals, virtual spaces, and reasoning that go beyond the normal beliefs, directly confronting the standards, which is what innovation and technology have always been about. If we recognize that artistic creation represents our reality, how do we understand the growing number of young modern artists with works based on intangible and inconsequential objects or ideas? The great Leonardo da Vinci was one of the first to be associated with scientific inquiry, he was the first to combine technology with art. Yes, the Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings, but this genius is also known for showing people the real ability they have: their creativity. Technology offers what brilliant young artists have always been hoping and looking for: exploring the unknown, discovering anything unique, and breaking out of the so-called conventions, allowing them to test the existing limitations. With recent technological advancements, artificial intelligence has become a way of expressing art. Is AI taking things that should belong only to humans? If artificial intelligence is used to create the work, can the end result be considered art? How limited is the artist"s influence on the finished product?

Today, both researchers and public opinion regarding artificial intelligence are contradicting . But what are people worried about? Is this an advance in technology, or is it a waste of money, time and resources doing something useless or even threatening? At a music gala in China in 2021 Teresa Teng appeared on stage in a virtual form, everyone was stunned, and many people in Western countries also expressed their admiration for this achievement. Music is art, and there is never a limit. People will not simply think that this is just a hologram, but a very realistic image of Teresa Teng. According to Harvard, the country with the most advanced AI is China. From a global perspective, Chinese universities have published the most AI-related research papers. AI has been applied in many fields and has gradually become part of people"s lives.

During the epidemic, the development of science and technology has increased, and many software for online companies have emerged. Take UiPath as an example. It was founded by Romanians with headquarters in New York. Relying on the software technology of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), they can create, deploy and manage software robots, simulate human behavior, and reduce people"s work pressure. However, even if we are not talking about art, people are debating whether AI is really an improvement, or are there any shortcomings that people cannot see at first sight? No country can say they believe 100% that AI is perfect. People cannot fully trust AI, regardless of culture or nationality.

Therefore, what is the difference between a robot that can draw and a virtual representation of a dead singer on the Chinese stage? People were not intimidated by the fact that the singer did not look like a hologram, but they were amazed, largely because it looked like a human, realistic in every aspect and three-dimensional, and Ai-Da still looked like a robot, so this might be scary for some people.

Additionally, if a robot looks very different from a human, people will automatically feel scared, but with a human-like appearance people will feel safe. From a certain level, art actually highlights some of the characteristics of human beings, carries a certain culture, and further conveys strong messages, such as hope, sadness and other emotions. Art has no limits or rules. As a representative of advanced technology, AI may better demonstrate the charm of art. Can AI think as a human? Whether people are afraid of robots because they are scared of being replaced by them, or it is just an unfounded fear, it may be found out in a few years. With the advancement made by China in science and technology, the world will soon see the power of AI, and time will tell whether it is right or wrong.


