
互联网 2023-02-25 19:50:44


Existentialism and American Literature





Existentialism is an European philosophic movement with various schools or attitudes of different eras.The founder and pioneer of existentialism was Danish-born Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855). Dissatisfied with the then popular philosophy of Hegel which he thought dull and abstract, he claimed that some places should be found for inpidual emotion. He coined the term "existential" to describe his call for beliefs to be expressed through actions, not just thoughts. Kierkegaard's influences were limited during his lifetime. But thanks to the further assertion and development of kierkegaard's ideas by the later philosophers, such as Jaspers, Hidegger and Sartre, his philosophy of existentialism became in the 50 years after his death one of the most infuential philosophical and ideologoical trends in the 20th century.

Jaspers’ philosophy has been termed transcendental existentialism. He assumed that a person achieved an authentic existence by taking inpidual responsibility for his own actions in a concrete historical situation, in his community and in communicating with other men. He held that the meaning of human life consists in daring to strive and transcend. That is why his philosophy is called transcendental and is of some significance as a progressive theory pointing forward to modernism.

Heidegger's Existentialism was of more metaphysical colour.Based on Kierkegaard's thoroughly critical destructive analysis of traditional philosophies and Husserl's Phenomenology, he advanced the concept “sein und zeit” ( being and time) to give an ontological explanation of modern life.

Nevertheless, the most influential existentialist philosopher in the 20th century was Sartre. Existentialists as Sartre hold that there are no accepted bases to explain the mysteries of human existence and that the inpidual must develop his being free of society, existentialism contends that solitariness makes the right condition for freedom of choice. However, it also brings anguish to the inpidual as he recognizes the futility of attempting to treat the paradoxes of a meaningless universe and an absurd world and to achieve self-mastery in an atmosphere of entire freedom. Such views and such a sense of metaphysical isolation in the consideration of the inpidual in the present moment are found in the fiction of Saul Bellow, Paul Bowles, Ralph Ellison, William Styron,and Richard Wright. Frequently using the monologue to show the protagonist's growing consciousness of the human condition,since thought rather than action is dominant in existential fiction, their novels deal with depersonalization, alienation from society and belief in pinity; and an inpidual search for identity.