
互联网 2023-02-22 21:04:59



A pavilion called “Dom-Ino” is presented by 2017 Bi-City Shenzhen Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture(UABB) – Sub-exhibition in Shangwei Village. Different from conventional buildings, this pavilion has no walls, but 24 huge iron doors. Doors can be either opened or closed at any angle by rotating, which allows the space to “breathe”.

▼项目鸟瞰,bird view © 张超

▼项目航拍顶视图,aerial top view © 张超


“Dom-Ino House” proposed by Le Corbusier in 1915, brings infinite possibilities of free plan and elevation to architectural design. 100 years later, an old building left with unfinished concrete structure frame, found abandoned in an ordinary village of southern China, is strikingly similar to the “Dom-Ino House” prototype, and is demonstrating its application of the “Domino System” in the Shangwei Village, like a specimen.

▼由街道看建筑,viewing the project from the street © 张超

▼入口台阶,steps at the entrance © 张超

本原设计研究中心对这个旧建筑进行一系列的改造设计策略:1. 保留整理原有混凝土结构框架,;2. 添加24扇巨大的金属转门,以不同的开启组合形成可以灵活使用的艺术与教育空间。

Benyuan Design and Research center has carried out a series of renovation strategies to this old building: 1. Retain the original structure of the concrete frame; 2. Use 24 giant iron doors to create a space with different spatial combinations for the multi-functional use for art and education.

▼项目概览,general view © 张超

▼侧立面,side facade © 张超

▼由项目与周边环境的缝隙仰视天空,Look up to the sky from the gap between the project and the surrounding environment © 张超


The Dom-Ino Pavilion becomes a flexible platform for communications between different groups of people and different cultures. The ground floor has a studio, which can be used as the client’s office or public educational space. The newly added 16 rotatable doors on the second floor can enclose and split space for various activities, like art exhibitions, community meeting and small performances, etc. And the roof terrace serves as a community social area.

▼项目室内空间概览,general view of the interior © 张超

▼二楼展馆空间,exhibition space on the upper floor © 张超

▼空间由金属旋转门与玻璃隔墙灵活围合,The space is flexibly enclosed by metal rotatable doors and glass partition wall © 张超


Take a glimpse through any open door, you will see a unique image of Shangwei Village: a lonely papaya tree; a mottled corner of old Hakka house; a factory building facade with pink mosaic tiles; or houses of European style built by villagers. Through the giant doors, the framed views reveal the vitality and conflicts of this village.

▼穿孔金属板与斑驳的墙面,Perforated metal panels contrast with mottled walls © 本原设计研究中心

▼旋转门,rotatable doors © 本原设计研究中心

▼打开任一扇门,都会以一个不经意的角度聚焦上围村的某种风情,Take a glimpse through any open door, you will see a unique image of Shangwei Village © 本原设计研究中心


The doors are covered by perforated patterns. In the daytime, sunlight goes through the small holes and leaves shadows on the ground. The light and the shadow, following the rhythm of time, respond to the surroundings in an interesting way.

▼阳光透过小孔在地面留下光影, sunlight goes through the small holes and leaves shadows on the ground © 本原设计研究中心

▼光影的律动在特定时分激活地面,The light and the shadow respond to the surroundings in an interesting way © 本原设计研究中心


After sunset, the light coming through the holes will vaguely form the face of Le Corbusier. Through the eyes of this man, who constructed the modern western architecture theory, people will catch a vivid image of this southern village of China.

▼孔洞间透出的光会隐约构成一张柯布西耶的面庞,the light coming through the holes will vaguely form the face of Le Corbusier © 本原设计研究中心

▼光影效果,Light and shadow © 本原设计研究中心

▼夜景,night view © 张超

▼旋转门模型,model of the rotatable doors © 本原设计研究中心

▼概念生成分析,concept diagram © 本原设计研究中心

▼总平面图,master plan © 本原设计研究中心

▼平面图,plan © 本原设计研究中心

项目名称:多米诺展馆建筑师:深圳大学-本原设计研究中心联系邮箱:benyuan_intl@163.com主持建筑师:孟建民、陈曦、曾凡博设计团队:姜楠、梁景怡、雷健华项目地点:深圳市龙华区上围村项目年份:2017项目面积:303平米摄影师1:张超摄影师网站: http://www.cargocollective.com/ZCSTUDIO摄影师2:本原设计研究中心策展团队:未来 城乡营造学院建造团队:深圳市丰润建设有限公司顾问:深圳市烨盛达金属制品有限公司

Project name: Dom-Ino PavilionArchitect’ Firm: Benyuan Design and Research CenterContact e-mail: benyuan_intl@163.comLead Architects: MENG Jianmin, CHEN Xi, ZENG FanboDesign Team: JIANG Nan, LIANG Jingyi, LEI JianhuaProject location: ShenzhenCompletion Year: 2017Gross Built Area (square meters or square foot): 303 sqmPhoto credits 1: Chao ZhangPhotographer’s website: http://www.cargocollective.com/ZCSTUDIOPhoto credits 2: Benyuan Design and Research CenterOther participants(eg. collaborators, clients, consultants, etc):Collaborator: Future Plus AcademyContractor: Shenzhen Fengrun Construction Group Co.,LtdConsultant: Shenzhen Ye sheng da metal products co.,Ltd