
互联网 2023-02-16 14:54:43




Share interest, spread happiness, increase knowledge, and leave beautiful. Dear you, This is the LearingYard Academy! Today, the editor brings you Wednesday share -- Speech eloquence













1. 命题演讲

2. 即兴演讲

3. 辩论演讲

Definition of speech

Speech is a kind of realistic information exchange activity in which the speaker openly conveys information, expresses opinions, clarizes matters and expresses feelings to the audience by means of the artistic means of sound language and posture language in a specific space-time environment, so as to inspire the audience and motivate them to take action. It is a kind of direct social practice with artistic quality.

Characteristics of speech

(1) Realism

(2) Art

(3) comprehensiveness

(4) Encouraging

(5) Promptness

Classification of speech

(1) According to content

(2) according to the form of expression

1. Prepared speech

2. Speak off the cuff

3. Debate speeches



一、 演讲的选题





二、 演讲的选材





三、 演讲前的思想准备




四、 演讲稿的写作技巧



1. 提问式。

2. 悬念式

3. 故事式

4. 揭题式

5. 名言警句式

6. 即景生题式


1. 主题鲜明突出

2. 内容充实有说服力

3. 层次清晰

4. 精心设置高潮


1. 总结全篇,强化主旨

2. 提出希望,发出号召

3. 抒发情怀,意境深远

4. 哲理名言,深化主题

5. 幽默风趣,发人深省

Preparation before a speech

1. Topic selection of the speech

1. Embody the spirit of The Times

(2) Suitable for audience requirements

(3) suit their own reality

(4) Consider the space-time situation

Second, the selection of speech materials

(1) Material selection should be "real"

(2) Material selection should be "strict"

(three) the selection of materials to "typical"

(4) Material selection should be "novel"

Three, the thought preparation before the speech

1. Be confident

(2) We should adjust our mood

(3) recite and memorize speech materials repeatedly

Four, speech writing skills

(1) the beginning of the speech

Carnegie pointed out that in any kind of speech, the beginning is always key. Well begun is half done.

1. Ask questions.

2. The suspense

3. GuShiShi

4. Jie topic type

5. epigram

(2) The body of the speech

1. The theme is clear and prominent

2. Be informative and persuasive

3. Clear hierarchy

4. Set an orgasm

(3) The end of the speech

1. Summarize the whole passage and reinforce the main idea

2. Offer hope and call out

3. Express feelings and profound artistic conception

4. Philosophical quotes deepen the theme

5. Humorous and thought-provoking




1. 发音标准,吐字清晰





1. 眼睛:用眼神的变化准确表达内心的丰富情感

2. 面部表情:喜怒哀乐要同内容一致起来,同观众或听众的情绪融合起来,从而为成功的演讲奠定良好的感情基础。

3. 手势动作:手势的表现力、感染力最强,它是演讲者内心状态的外部表现

4. 体态:演讲者无论表现哪一种姿势,都要求做到自然、得体。应特别注意尽量避免已形成的陋习。

Presentation skills in speech language

(1) Verbal expression skills

1. Pronunciation is standard and clear

2. The words are smooth, accurate and easy to understand

3. Appropriate intonation and cadence

(2) Silent language expression skills

All through the appearance, demeanor, facial expressions, Gestures such as some non-verbal language factors to carry out information transfer, thought communication, emotional exchange of activities, are known as 2 body expression or posture language.

1. Eyes: Accurately express the rich emotions in your heart with the changes in your eyes

2. Facial expression: The emotions should be consistent with the content and the emotions of the audience or listeners, so as to lay a good emotional foundation for a successful speech.

3. Gesture: gesture is the strongest expression and appeal, which is the external expression of the speaker's inner state

4. Posture: No matter what kind of posture the speaker shows, he should do it naturally and appropriately. Special care should be taken to avoid bad habits as far as possible.


That's it for today's sharing. If you have a unique idea about today’s article, Welcome to leave us a message, Let us meet tomorrow, I wish you a happy day today!

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