
互联网 2023-02-15 21:41:25



Yashe Studio———————————


Auspicious patterns are highly decorative and artistic. Various themes come from life and are higher than life. They often make people associate and sprout incomparably beautiful expectations in different forms.


Auspicious patterns are highly decorative and artistic. Various themes come from life and are higher than life. They often make people associate and sprout incomparably beautiful expectations in different forms.


And all kinds of auspicious patterns are definitely an indispensable part of classical furniture.


Peony pattern:Peony, also known as "flower of wealth", is a popular flower decoration on furniture.Since the Tang Dynasty, peony has been loved by the world and is a symbol of prosperity, beauty and happiness.


Bat print:"Bat" is homonymous with "Fu". People use bat to express good fortune, good fortune, longevity and happiness."Bat" implies "all blessings", which symbolizes that happiness surrounds and stretches boundlessly.


Crane pattern:Crane, a thing born, is noble and elegant. In addition to being a symbol of the lofty feelings and aspirations of scholars, it also has profound implications and good wishes for health and longevity.


Ten thousand character pattern:One of the traditional patterns in ancient China, which is often regarded as the symbol of the sun or fire, is the source of all things.The word "zhe" means "auspicious" in Sanskrit. Buddhism believes that it is the auspicious appearance of Sakyamuni's chest, which means auspiciousness, ten thousand blessings and longevity.


Auspicious cloud pattern:The cultural concept of "auspicious cloud" has a span of thousands of years in China. It is a representative Chinese cultural symbol, implying good luck and good fortune.


Kylin pattern:Kylin is regarded as a beast of auspiciousness and auspiciousness. It is a symbol of virtue. There is a saying that "when kylin comes, auspiciousness comes with it", which means supremacy and eternal wealth.


Dragon pattern:The Dragon first appeared as a totem, symbolizing its ancestors.The dragon can make clouds and rain rise, benefit all things, make the weather smooth, and have plenty of food and clothing. It is a symbol of virtue and auspiciousness.


Dark eight immortals decoration:

The artifacts held by the eight immortals do not directly appear in immortals,

so it is called "dark Eight Immortals".

The fish drum held by Zhang Guolao can predict life,

The sword held by LV Dongbin can suppress evil spirits and exorcise demons,

Hanxiangzi's flute makes everything prosperous,

Hexiangu's Lotus can cultivate self-cultivation,

The gourd of iron abduction can help all living beings,

Zhong Hanli's fan can bring the dead back to life,

Uncle Cao's jade can purify the environment,

LAN Caihe holds a basket of flowers that are widely pine.