
互联网 2023-02-13 14:17:17





I'm a Japanese live in Malaysia. I will be able to provide you with some explanation about your question from the point of the Japanese view. I believe almost of average Japanese agree with my answer:


Why does Japan worship China?


Due to some political reasons, such as ideology and national security, the Japanese people do not appreciate contemporary China very much. They have no common basic values, and the relationship between the two countries is not harmonious due to a series of historical problems in modern times.


To be exact, the object of Japanese worship is ancient China, especially China in the Three Kingdoms era. If a Chinese discusses the annals of the Three Kingdoms with a Japanese, he may be surprised at the Japanese's familiarity with ancient Chinese history. Even, the Japanese will discuss with a happy face which generals they like most in the Three Kingdoms.


For thousands of years, China has been a cultural giant. South Korea and Japan admire China very much. They continuously introduce and imitate Chinese culture, philosophy, art and political system, so that they adopt Chinese calligraphy system without their own writing system.


Confucianism is the main philosophy introduced from China by South Korea and Japan. It teaches people to "know their position", three obediences and four virtues, students should obey teachers, children should obey their parents, subjects should obey nobles, and so on.


Naturally, this philosophy tells them that weak countries such as North Korea and Japan should yield to China.When Japanese natives were still drinking blood in primitive society, the Chinese had established the most civilized country in the world and spread their civilization to neighboring countries.


On the other hand, after the western countries invaded China, they were shocked that the civilization they admired was now defeated so easily.


This alerted many Japanese scholars and intellectuals to quickly realize Japan's modernization, abolish the old feudal samurai and warlord system, and adopt Western systems and technologies. After Meiji Restoration and Western learning eastward, Japan gradually became strong. Therefore, in the eyes of the Japanese, the modern Chinese are very vulgar and simple. Today, this situation has changed slightly, but it still exists in Japanese society.


Why does Japan look down on South Korea?


For this question, I think "why do Japan and South Korea look down on each other?" It will help you understand why Japan and South Korea always blame each other and quarrel with each other.


As far as Japan is concerned, the discord between the two countries originated from the situation in East Asia around the end of the 19th century. Japan is a belligerent and eager to expand. As the earliest westernized country in East Asia, Japan is disappointed that the Qing Dynasty and North Korea refused to carry out political and economic system reform. At the same time, Japan is worried that it will be robbed of the opportunity by European countries that began to colonize East Asia. Therefore, Japan tries to separate North Korea from China and make North Korea a subsidiary and colony of Japan.


In history, Toyotomi Xiuji once occupied Korea and returned home with great defeat, which made Japan understand that under the protection of the Central Plains Dynasty, Korea is a country that is difficult to control. To conquer China, we must first control the Korean peninsula as the landing pedal.


Yukichi Fukuzawa, a famous Japanese thinker, wrote his most famous editorial, datsu-aron. In this editorial, he claimed that Japan was strong and should not shrink in international affairs and should be on an equal footing with Western powers. Then, Japan took advantage of the decline of the national strength of the Qing Dynasty, occupied Korea and started massacres again and again.

日本著名思想家福泽幸一(Yukichi Fukuzawa)撰写了他最著名的社论脱亜論(DATSU-ARON),在这篇社论中,他声称日本国力强盛,在国际事务上不应该畏畏缩缩,应该和西方强国平起平坐。随后,日本趁着清王朝国力日衰,占领了朝鲜,并兴起了一次又一次的屠杀。

After World War II, Japan's Tanaka cabinet believed that pacifism and United Nations based diplomacy would help them reconcile with Asian countries, especially China and South Korea. Japan had paid more than US $5 million to China in the form of interest free loans and more than US $3 million to South Korea, and provided an exclusive cooperation scheme to South Korea.


Then, in 1995, Japan established an additional compensation plan, the Asian women's foundation, and paid money to the victims of the comfort women problem. In addition, Japan agreed to sign a "comfort women" agreement with South Korea in 2015 and paid $10 million to South Korea.


However, as you know, due to the manipulation and political operation of Japan's right-wing elements and political parties, Japan has been in constant friction with its neighbors. Therefore, the Japanese are tired of Koreans and begin to think that Koreans are rude, treacherous and ill intentioned.


So why do Koreans look down on Japan? I think there are some basic reasons.


First of all, South Korea is the strongest supporter of Confucianism, and the concept of orderly growth and childhood is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In history, Chinese civilization was introduced into Japan through North Korea. Therefore, Koreans believe that they are Japan's brothers. Without South Korea, there would be no Japanese civilization today. However, Japan does not respect South Korea so much. Instead, it makes trouble and occupies the Korean peninsula for a long time, which has brought deep suffering to the local people.


In this regard, Koreans have a natural and strong aversion to the Japanese, even if they don't say it. This also explains why even if the United States puts pressure, the South Korean government rarely takes a tough attitude towards China, because South Korea subconsciously regards China as its cultural home country. It is precisely because of this sense of inferiority that many South Korean experts always like to claim the cultural heritage of other countries as their own.


Another important reason is that Koreans prefer "justice" to law. In modern Korean history, Korean citizens have fundamentally solved many political problems through civil revolution and protest. South Koreans do not pay much attention to and safeguard the existing laws. It is common for public opinion to try real events and establish new laws to achieve justice. A clear example is that almost successive South Korean presidents have been arrested, killed or expelled after taking office.


There is a word that can explain their attitude in South Korea - "국 민 정 서" (national emotion law). In this way, South Korea believes that Japan is a "backward country", stubborn, can not adapt to the time and fundamentalism. Japan believes that the social contract relationship is based on a pile of systems and laws, but South Korea's way of thinking is different.

有一个词可以解释他们在韩国的这种态度——”국민정서법” (国家情感法),就这样,韩国认为日本是一个“落后国家”,顽固不化,不能因时制宜,本本主义。日本认为,社会契约关系是建立在一堆制度和法律的基础之上的,但韩国的思维方式与之不同。

This difference seems insignificant, but it has actually had a serious impact on bilateral relations. Japan and South Korea signed a basic treaty in 1965, which agreed that Japan would provide compensation. At that time, Japan believed that the Japanese rule from 1910 to 1945 was completely legal, but the rule was no longer effective. However, from 1910, South Korea believed that the period of Japanese rule was completely illegal.


From the Korean point of view, this means that the money from Japan is not actually compensation, but just an excuse to avoid crime. During the cold war, this issue was sealed up for a long time. However, the South Korean Supreme Court ruled that the South Korean victims did not receive any legal compensation last year, which means that each South Korean victim still has the right to claim compensation from Japan in principle. In this way, the South Koreans began a long and arduous road of litigation. (in fact, some lawsuits against the Japanese government have begun)
