
互联网 2023-02-09 22:55:22



Shundi RiverWaterside Public Open Space (Qingfeng Road to Jinsha Road Section) lies inXuzhou New Town. Total site area is 32.8 ha. The north, south, west and eastside of the site are: Xin’an Road, Fuchun Road, Mingzheng Road and QingfengroadBridge, and proposed Jinsha Road. The maxium levels difference between thesouth and north banks is 8m.

▲顺堤河串联起徐州新城滨水开放空间,Shundi River Connects TheWaterside Open Spaces


作为徐州新城区非常重要的滨水公共景观,顺堤河水岸空间拟串联起大龙湖与未来青龙湖的整体滨水系统打通桥下空间,连贯长达 12公里的新城滨水慢行系统,计划联通水上游船交通设施和覆盖全范围的滨水服务驿站群,形成新城区的蓝绿活力滨水廊道。

绿色城市 美好生活




Being theimportant public open space in Xuzhou New Town, Shundi RiverWaterside will connect Dalong Lake and proposed Qinglong Lake system, open up underbridges spaces, connect 12km long New Town waterside footpath, provide waterbus piers and visitor centres, form active waterside corridor in New Town.


The Take theopportunities brought by the 13th China(Xuzhou)International Garden Expo Focuson Green City Beautiful Life Theme Bring in ‘All ages’ ‘Beautiful City’ Healthy Life’ ‘Low Carbon& Ecological’ ideas.

As a greenwaterside space in city life, Shundi River Public open space provides arelaxable open space, young people enjoying sports, old people jogging andwalking, children playing. Everyone can find their own place and enjoy.

▲“二道沟”的前世今生——滨水公共景观新貌,the Waterfront Park after renewal


新修河道河底宽度25米,河底高程26.8米,河堤采用生态护坡。 “顺堤河” 由此开始登上历史的舞台。

Twenty years ago, there were only two narrow steams flew through the farming fields. Local people have memories of the old Yellow River and Dalong Lake but no Shundi River. The name of ‘erdaogou’ came from the two steams. The steams were narrow, covered by weed and mosquitos, and were smelly.The west part of the steams were widened and combined together in 2004 when Dalong Lake project started. The new waterway has a bed width of 25m, levels at 26.8m, grass slope. SHUNDI RIVER came to life.

▲城市阅读艺术公园 总平面图,City Reading Art Park Landscape Masterplan

顺堤河滨水公共景观(清风路-金沙路段)段共包含4个公园:位于南岸的 城市灵感公园、城市阅读艺术公园 和位于北岸的 城市阳台公园、城市运动科普基地


以休闲现代 生态科普 复合功能的考虑,创造公园美好空间和生活共享空间,提升市民的“归属感”、“认同感”和“幸福感”。

Shundi River Waterside Public Open Space includes four parks, City Inspiration Park and City Reading Art Park on the south bank while City Terrace Park and City Sports Park on the north bank.

The north bank is adjacent to the New Town centre and huge residential area. The need of residents is the foremost consideration. The design is focused on all ages and everyday life. The themes are leisure, ecology and fitness to create enjoyable shared park space, to increase the belonging and happiness of local people.

▲顺堤河滨水公共景观段 综合分析,Analysis of Shundi River Waterside Public Open Space

▲“城市阅读艺术公园”与校园&水岸的紧密关系及相互影响,Analysis of City Reading Art Park



作为总项目第二标段的 城市阅读艺术公园 即位于顺堤河南岸,南侧邻富春路及该学院,依托场地个性和高校资源优势,在设计思考中融入了对“高校文化”的解读,提炼了“年轻化”的场地精神,提取出“阅读、艺术、留野”的场地特质。功能设计重点考虑复合的弹性可能,设计语汇简洁现代,从美学、文化和艺术的角度为场地注入活力,而韵律起伏的草海、花海和大片草坪空间是预留下给年轻人发挥无限可能的留白画卷。





The south bank is adjacent to the central campus of Xuzhou University of Technology. The campus has 22,300 full time students. These students will be the main user group of the two parks on the south bank. CITY READING ART PARK is the second phase of the whole project with the south side next to Fuchun Road and this university. Based on this context, the design shows the understanding of campus culture, the young essence of the site, gives the special characters of Reading, Art, Wild to the site. The design language is modern and simple, brings active feeling to the site. The flowing meadow and lawn gives stages for young people to express their potential.


The design brings youth, possibility and energy to the site, aims to create a nonstop, non fixed city waterside. We try to find the site spirit, also focus on users’ experiences. Flowing spaces, flexible functions and continuing liveliness make it possible for the user and the park to work together, find harmony during the experience of humanity art and nature landscapes, and form deep understanding and recognition with the landscape.

▲标志性的景观构筑物“城市取景框” 联动起 顺堤河滨水公共景观段 ,Structures of Shundi River Waterside Public Open Space

▲“城市阅读艺术公园”之 城市取景框,the City Viewing Frame

▲“城市取景框”构造节点,Tectonic Node

OP-ART & 城市公园


As carrier of New Town’s ecology and culture, the waterside open space expresses the city character, showing off its creativity, harmony, green, openness and sharing.

▲“阅读艺术公园”入口——欧普艺术广场,the OP-ART Plaza

▲OP-ART 艺术与设计的碰撞,Collision of Art and Design

青春 艺术 无限可能

欧普艺术(Optical Art)的创作理念被用在了本项目的空间构成、小品设计、铺装设计以及种植设计上。在空间布局上不受局限,不被单一定义,艺术与青春的碰撞带来了无限的可能。艺术表达始终在人类的文明进程中扮演着一个重要角色,而青年是社会的未来与希望。

欧普艺术 - /// - 流动韵律 “超以象外” 的视觉享受

斜杠青年 - /// - 不再满足“专一职业”的生活方式

阅读公园 - /// - 不愿再被“单一定义”的滨水空间


The idea of OPTICAL ART was used in the space, structure,paving and planting design. Not limited by the layout, not defined by one single idea, the collision of art and youth brings unlimited possibility. Art plays a very important part during the process of human civilization. Young people are the future of a society.

OPTICAL ART /// flowing visual enjoyment beyond imagination

GENERATION /// lifestyle not want to be defined by single career

READING PARK /// waterside space not want to be defined as single use

▲阅读驿站,Reading Centre


Turning the wharf servicing station into a library meet the spirit of the park. The atmosphere of the library will infect people and condense the temperament and spirit of civilization. This is a process of moistening things silently, thus shaping the site properties of the park.

▲滨水漫步道,Waterfront Trail

顺堤河水岸空间拟串联起大龙湖与未来青龙湖的整体滨水系统,打通桥下空间,连贯长达 12公里的新城滨水慢行系统

Shundi River Waterside will connect Dalong Lake and proposed Qinglong Lake system, open up under bridges spaces, connect 12km long New Town waterside footpath.

▲公园内的海绵设计,SUDS within Park


海绵城市 生态公园


Xuzhou is on the transition zone between south and north, has clear seasonal wind character, influenced by west wind belt, sub-tropical and tropical zone, has very complicated weather system, prone to flood and drought. In the past 50 years, there were 26%, 13 flooding years. Heavy flooding is about once in 12 years. In 21st century, there are more flooding tendency. There were 4 flooding years within the last 10 years. —<Xuzhou flooding and drought’s influence on agriculture > Jiangsu Xuzhou Weather bureau.


This is not just a leisure park for people, it’s also a sustainable ecological waterside park. The park has soft bank, good green covers, waterside buffer zone, can adjust local micro weather in dry season, reduce run-off in rain season, and purify the water quality before it reach Shundi River.


The design employs a range of technics including green roofs, soft bank, using peneratable pipe, permeable paving, swales, eco buffer zone and rain gardens, to improve the ecological value and provide educational function, choosing wet and drought tolerant plants, increase in the adjust ability as well as aesthetic value.

适度留野 绿色低碳 经济节约

结合一系列的生态措施,设计上考虑 适度留野,在公园绿地中我们保留了部分人类低干扰区,配置食源、蜜源植物并结合湿地种植带和自然岸线,为恢复城市生物生物多样性发展提供了空间,也为本地鸟种和迁徙鸟类提供了沿河带状栖息地,贯通新城的滨水绿地生态系统,让绿地“活”起来。



Consider moderate wilding with ecological technics. We keep a small portion low human interference zone, with plants providing food and nectar, wetland plants zone and soft bank, create biopersity space, provide habitat for local birds and immigration birds, connect the whole green link within the New Town, bring’ life; to the green space.

The design makes most of the current land form, balance landfill, select low carbon materials, local and low maintenance plants, keep the project low carbon, economical and deliver aesthetic value at the same time. Sophora, Saoium, willow, Celtis , ginkgo, tulip tree have high carbon fixing ability, increase the purify ability of this city ‘green lung’.

▲施工中的城市阅读艺术公园,City Reading Art Park under construction

▲技术图纸,Construction drawing

项目名称 徐州顺堤河公共景观项目(清风路-金沙路段)城市阅读艺术公园

项目位置 江苏省徐州市

项目面积 50789㎡

业主单位 徐州市新城区国有资产经营有限责任公司


主设计师 刘小慧

设计团队 维度设计团队成员:Lu Zhong(钟璐)、Mike Browell、刘小璇、Suet Fung Kwan(关雪峰)、谈嘉悦;华设设计团队成员:蒋舒舒、聂正英、芮雪

施工单位 大千生态环境集团股份有限公司

设计时间 2020.06.15-2021.07.16

摄  影 徐州卓影 王琨 王猛