
互联网 2023-02-07 18:36:48



Designed for Transurban and situated in the Melbournes Art precinct on an inaccessible freeway off-ramp island, this major sculptural installation provides an integrated approach of artwork paired with habitat. Solar panels power provide some electricity for lighting, bird boxes provide shelter for wildlife, Steel mesh has been incorporated into the forms so that the vegetation can “take over” and the site has been heavily planted and not accessible to the general public. Our aim on the project was that the trees and planted landscape will eventually grow up and around the sculptures so that they become part of the landscape as opposed to being the key feature. Sort of relics in the bush.

Habitat Filter由一系列大小各异的“舱体”构成,最大“舱体”高度超过了25米。这些“舱体”集成了各种可持续性元素,包括专门为鸟类和蝙蝠设计的庇护巢箱,为夜间照明提供能源的太阳能电池板,以及在建造中使用的回收材料。

Habitat Filter features a series of ‘pods’, the largest over 25m high, with a range of sustainability elements including specially designed nesting boxes for birds and bats, solar panels to offset nighttime lighting energy needs and the use of recycled materials in construction.

Habitat Filter

Design Team: Matt Drysdale, Matt Myers & Tim DowDocumentation Team : Tract Consultants – Deiter Lim, Mariano Lopez, Helen Wellman, George Zhuo

Project Location | Southbank, Melbourne, AustraliaPhotographer | John Gollings

Client | Transurban
